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The competition is open to professional Graphic designers, Art students and Visual artists in general from all over the world above the age of 18.

Each participant is allowed to send a maximum of three posters, which he / she considers to be his best Artwork created between 2021 — 2024.

To be accepted, you must send

1. One copy of the poster print-out in a given format B1 (700×1000 mm) with a registration label (download)

2. Completed registration form (download)

3. A digital copy of the Artwork on USB flash drive memory stick send to email adress in the format PG —  21x30 cm — 300 dpi — RGB

There is no admittance fee for PBQ.

The deadline for the Artwork submission is March 31, 2025. The last accepted deliveries must have a delivery stamp with the above date.

Sending posters by mail
The poster/posters must be marked on its back in the lower right corner with registration label, filled out in block letters in either English or Slovak.

Posters must be sent labelled, unfolded and insured against transport damaged. Please send Posters to:

Peter Javorík
Pod Kalváriou 9
085 01

The organizer does not reimburse expenses in connection
with the clearance of consignments, and does not take responsibility for delayed delivery and damage during transport. Shipments must be marked as “Printed matter of a non-com- mercial value”.

Selection process of the contest
All posters received go through an evaluation and selection process by all five jury members. The jury's decision is final. 

Grand Prix 
First place 
Second place 
Third place 
15 × Honourable mention 

The organizer exercises the right to refuse to exhibit a poster that the jury identifies as offensive, or against good manners, or offensive to any race, culture or nation, or those that do not meet the requirements of this statement.

The organizer has the right to exhibit and publish selected Artworks for non-commercial purposes.

By signing the registration form, the author agrees with the regulations of the competition.

All selected and awarded posters will be published in a competition catalogue.

The accepted Artworks will not be returned to competitors, they remain in the Archive Quadrennial in Bardejov archive.

These competition rules apply to the year 2025.